
“次日早晨,天未亮的时候,耶稣起来,到旷野地方去,在那里祷告。” - 可 1:35

在《拣选》(The Chosen)这部串流媒体电视剧中,有一集描述了耶稣回到祂和门徒过夜的地方。天色已晚,耶稣花了一天的时间来医治众人。祂步履蹒跚地走进营地,一整天的事工使祂精疲力尽。门徒们只能惊讶地看着祂,祂竟然如此疲惫!祂投入的教导和医治工作一定很消耗。虽然祂是完全的神,但耶稣也是完全的人,所以当祂累了,也需要休息(见可 4:38;约 4:6)。





马可福音 1:35-39


Take Time For The Holy One

"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." - Mark 1:35

In the streaming series The Chosen, one episode depicts Jesus returning to a camp where he and his disciples are staying for the night. It is late, and Jesus has spent the day healing crowds of people. He stumbles into camp, exhausted from the day's ministry. The disciples can only watch him, surprised at how tired he is. His teaching and healing work must have been exhausting. Though he was fully God, Jesus was also fully human, so he got tired and needed sleep (see Mark 4:38; John 4:6).

Our reading for today explains that after a long day of teaching and healing, Jesus rose early in the morning to pray. Jesus needed time to connect with his Father in prayer, resting in his Father's presence and focusing on his purpose. He had come to do much more than heal people in Capernaum, even though that was clearly important while he was there. When the disciples went out and found him, he said, "Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come."

Jesus spent time in prayer with his Father, and he remained focused on his purpose. If this was important to Jesus, it is certainly important for his followers too. Let's be sure to spend personal time with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit each day.


Father, I need to spend time with you, just as Jesus did. Lord, lead me, guide me, and give me the strength I need for the work you have planned. Amen.
